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SKR Consultants Ltd.

5934 Raceway Road

Smithers, BC 

V0J 2N1


Phone: 250-847-4674




Environmental Management


              SKR Consultants Ltd






In conjunction with available information, we use the results from Field Assessments to describe environmental conditions, identify environmentally sensitive areas, and evaluate potential impacts related to proposed projects.  Services related to Environmental Management and Impact Assessments include:


Environmental Management Plans



We develop innovative, cost effective and practical options that address applicable environmental issues and incorporate our clients' preferences to provide management plans that are compliant with current environmental standards and regulations.


Mitigation and Rehabilitation Prescriptions



We provide and implement sensible procedures for mitigating potential disturbances to the project area, and feasible prescriptions for habitat rehabilitation where notable impacts to the environment are present, or are likely to occur.  


Permitting and Approvals



We have developed optimal processes, communications, and familiarity with the expectations of different environmental agencies and indigenous councils that effectively expedite the acquisition of required environmental permits or agency approvals.


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